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Dear Praying Friends of Every Man a Warrior

For several years, I have been sending you “Prayer Needed” emails as we have fought to grow the work of Every Man A Warrior around the world.   Thank YOU!  Your prayers have pushed back the darkness, protected our leaders and turned the hearts of men to God.  Your prayers have helped us to reach men in 55 countries and 19 languages.

Carl Willis has joined the TWR-Every Man a Warrior staff to help us grow the “Prayer Ministry” needed to cover this work.   Carl has been a pastor for 35 years and led more than 20 EMAW groups.  He’s also a man of PRAYER!   

All EMAW leaders around the world are in a “war!”  We feel it. The enemy knows the strategic role of men in God’s plan.  He fights us…. But you help us by your prayers.  2 Cor. 1:10-11.

We're grateful for you!

The Prayers for this Month

Here is our new EMAW Monthly Prayer CalendarWe hope you will print it off, put it in your Bible or place it where you have your Quiet Time.  Each day as you pray, you will be bringing before the throne a part of the world where men are in spiritual battle for the souls of men.

Feel free to share this PDF prayer calendar with others from your EMAW groups…anyone who prays.  Please have them sign up - below, to be a part of our monthly Prayer Team.

Join us in prayer for this ministry!

Please enter your contact information below.  Your earnest prayer is greatly needed!
