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EMAW Store

Apparel with Sublimated Dye

Click HERE to purchase apparel items with sublimated dye. You'll be taken to the Nat Sub Apparel website for information, review or purchase.

  • Click on the picture of the item you are interested in
  • Upload the Customization File
  • Select the Type of Fabric and the Quantity of Each Size
  • Then Add it to Your Cart

Nat Sub Apparel has the Every Man A Warrior logo for placement on any apparel item you might select.  Each product can be customized with your own unique graphics.

If you or your group would like to have your apparel fully sublimated with your own unique graphics, we are working with Nat Sub Apparel to fulfill that.  The items, shown above, are examples of sublimated shirts: 

  • The first two items pictured are the front and back of a suggested Men's Ministry Group.  
  • The second two items being the front and back of a suggested Theme Shirt.  

Select whatever tasteful image or picture you desire to have your apparel infused with; the options are endless and open to your creativity and will be a great way to express your love for Christ.


  • The purpose of TWR is to assist the Church to fulfill the command of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all peoples, and to do so by using and making available mass media to:

    * Proclaim the gospel of salvation to as many people as possible.
    * Instruct believers in biblical doctrine and daily Christ-like living.
    * Model our message through our corporate and cooperative relationships.
