Every Man A Warrior Staff
For staff information or to help support a particular staff member, please click on their name or picture.
U.S. National Staff
Southeast Area Director
Chattanooga, TennesseeClick on photo to donate or for information.
Every Man A Warrior - President
Cary, North CarolinaClick on photo to donate or for information.
Kansas-Missouri Area Director
Kansas City, KansasClick on photo to donate or for information.
Northwest Area Director
Caldwell, IdahoClick on photo to donate or for information.
Every Man A Warrior - Vice President
Lincoln, NebraskaClick on photo to donate or for information.
Dickson, TennesseeClick on photo to donate or for information.
Northwest Regional Director
Lakewood, WAClick on photo to donate or for information.
Navigator Representative for Michigan
Grand Rapids, MichiganClick on photo to donate or for information.
EMAW & TWR Men’s Ministry Deputy
Cary, North CarolinaClick on photo to donate or for information.
U.S. Director
Reading, PennsylvaniaClick on photo to donate or for information.
California Area Director
Marina, CaliforniaClick on photo to donate or for information.
National EMAW Prison Ministry Director
Morrisdale, PennsylvaniaClick on photo to donate or for information.
EMAW Church Relations Director
Chattanooga, TennesseeClick on photo to donate or for information.
International Staff
National Director of Canada
Newfoundland, CanadaClick on photo to donate or for information.
Director of Europe
Bob@EveryManAWarrior.comClick on photo to donate or for information.
International Leadership Development
Czech RepublicClick on photo to be directed to the 'Giving' page. Enter the amount of your gift.
After the amount is entered, check the box for monthly recurring gifts at the bottom.
Put 'Petr Malec' in the "Destination of Gift" option. -
EMAW Kenyan Prison Ministry Director
samunjuh@gmail.com**Give to EMAW Prison Ministry in Africa**
Click on photo to be directed to the 'Giving' page. Enter the amount of your gift.
After the amount is entered, check the box for monthly recurring gifts at the bottom.
Put 'Samuel Muchiri' in the "Destination of Gift" option. -
EMAW Staff and Navigator Continental Director Men's Ministry Africa
dodhuno@yahoo.comClick on photo to be directed to the 'Giving' page. Enter the amount of your gift.
After the amount is entered, check the box for monthly recurring gifts at the bottom.
Put 'David Odhuno' in the "Destination of Gift" option.